There are times that you will need to compress big files into smaller ones so that you can send them through email in your Macintosh. In reverse, you also need to decompress or unzip files&hellip
Posts By admin

Top 10 Internet Security Software for Mac Devices that Won’t Fail You
There is a need to keep any computer, whether it is Windows based or Mac based operating system, safe in the virtual world. As you connect your Mac device to the Internet, there is risk&hellip

Top 10 Website Builders for Mac and Web Design Software for Mac System
If you want to start a small business, you will need a website. Most of the time, the Internet will be the first place to look for the means to start things as well as&hellip

Top 10 Best Mac Web Browsers – You are Not Stuck with Safari Forever
Browsing is highly important nowadays. People often rely on the internet for news, entertainment, and social tools. Even work is now moving on the web. These modern browsers must therefore be robust, fast and dependable.&hellip

Top 10 Mac Anti Malware That You Need to Seriously Consider as Mac is Not Really Malware Free
Malicious software, or commonly known as Malware, has been known even before the boom of the Internet. They are basically used to infect computer operations or to break into private information and systems. Malwares come&hellip

Top 10 DVD Burner Software for Mac That You Can Get for Free
Even with the popularity of mobile devices in which you can save and play movies, music, as well as store images and data, there are times that you still need to burn them on DVD.&hellip

Top 10 Best Ways to Find Missing Mac Hard Drive Icons and Replace Existing Ones
The hard drive icons on your desktop are helpful for easy access to their contents. Some of these icons are the primary drive, secondary drive and the external drive. It would be a huge inconvenience&hellip

Top 10 Mac Money Management Software for Effectively Managing Finances
Tracking income and expenses is important not only for businesses but for individuals and households as well. This will determine the amount and source of the money you receive and where they are spent. Through&hellip

Top 10 Best Malware Removal Mac Programs That Will Clean Your System
Malware or malicious software can cause various problems on your computer. This includes annoying pop-ups, slowness, freezing, redirection to other sites and even identity theft. There are different kinds of malware like virus, worm, spyware,&hellip

Top 10 Best Freeware Mac Games That You Do Not Want To Miss
A lot of games may be available for Windows users. But this does not mean that Mac users only have few options when it comes to the games that they could play on their computer.&hellip